So how do we process what we see happening across the world? I'm sorry to say there is no definitive answer. All we can do is speculate from a Biblical perspective. (Dependent on your hermeneutics and eschatological viewpoint.) I will do my best to deliver some views along with my own opinion. Please note that I am just doing my best to join the dots with what we are seeing, according to 1 Corinthians 13:12 "We see through a glass glass darkly." If you have a different view or opinion that's fine, it is not a salvation issue and should not cause contention or divsion amongst the body of Christ. We will all find out soon enough what direction things are going to go! Is the virus judgment from God? It could be in the fact the God has allowed this to happen but, I don't believe He caused it. He has certainly used pestilence in the past for judgement (48 occurrances in the Old Testament) but His wrath in Revelation is with plagues not pestilence. Did the virus occur naturally or was it man made in a lab? There is no way to verify this without all the facts and knowledge required and there are so many conflicting reports online that the truth is hard to determine. However, it is highly suspicious that the epicenter was so close to the Wuhan Institute of Virology biosafety level 4 laboratory and also that the timing with the Chinese New Year ensured the spread of the virus was worldwide! See this article by professor Fang Chi-tai of the National Taiwanese University ( Who would benefit from this from a Biblical standpoint?
What about the mark?
What about the Beast (Antichrist)?
When do the Rabbis in Jerusalem believe the moshiach (Antichrist) will arrive? Top Rabbis: Look at the Signs, Messiah is Coming! February 12, 2020 He’s already at the door, according to leading Israeli Torah scholar. Read the full article here: Israel’s Health Minister: The Messiah will Arrive by Passover (8th April 2020) When Rabbi Amar Litzman was asked if Israel would be under under complete shut-down until the Passover holiday he replied: “God forbid! We are praying and hoping that moshiach (messiah) will arrive before Passover as it is a time of our redemption. I am sure that the Messiah will come by Passover and save us the same way God saved us during the Exodus and we were freed. The Moshiach will come and save us all.” Read the full article here: Will his astonishing statement come true? We don't have long to wait to find out! Coming in the next updates:
Greg Haire Archives
November 2020