Major Prophetic Significance. The Third Temple Gets One Step Closer.
This is absolutely huge prophectically! They believe that their Messiah (better known to us as the antichrist) is about to arrive, they have everything ready for the third temple which they say can be transported and built very quickly. This is the temple in which the antichrist will declare himself as God, spoken of in Matthew 24:15. I can't help wonder if this altar concecration will trigger something huge. It just feels like we are right on the edge of something, with the amount of spiritual warfare we are all suffering, not to mention the unrest politically and militarilly accross the world. We are in very exciting times. Ultimately God is in control, we are told clearly in Luke 21:28 "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." There has been so many other things happening this week it has been overwhelming and I have been suffering a seemingly endless onslaught of attacks which has left me totally exhausted. I will try and get more information out soon God willing. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. God bless. Link to the news article below: NOTE: It should also be pointed out that this Sanhedrin is self appointed and not endorsed by the majority in Israel.
Greg Haire Archives
November 2020