The purpose of this website is to help and inform anyone who is seeking information concerning the apocalypse and end times from a Biblical perspective. Covering a range of topics such as, the end of the world, 2012, The New World Order, Israel, Armageddon, The Antichrist, The Beast, The Middle East, The Book of Revelation, prophecies of Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and much more.
I am not a theologian; I am simply sharing what I have found and what has been revealed to me through my studies. I do not claim to have all the answers and I don't set dates, only God knows all things and His timing is perfect. However, Jesus made it clear that there would be signs of His coming again and pointed to ancient prophets such as Daniel to help us understand the signs and be ready.
I pray that this website will strengthen the faith of believers, encourage them to be about the Father's business and share with as many people as possible His plan of salvation while there is still time. And I pray for those who are seeking truth. That you will find the answers you need and come into a close and loving relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ.
For the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ now and forever. Amen
I am not a theologian; I am simply sharing what I have found and what has been revealed to me through my studies. I do not claim to have all the answers and I don't set dates, only God knows all things and His timing is perfect. However, Jesus made it clear that there would be signs of His coming again and pointed to ancient prophets such as Daniel to help us understand the signs and be ready.
I pray that this website will strengthen the faith of believers, encourage them to be about the Father's business and share with as many people as possible His plan of salvation while there is still time. And I pray for those who are seeking truth. That you will find the answers you need and come into a close and loving relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ.
For the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ now and forever. Amen
About Me
My name is Greg Haire, I became a born again Christian over 30 years ago. I've always had an interest in Eschatology (study of end times) and Bible prophecy because it was one of the most convincing arguments I found as proof that the Bible was indeed the inspired Word of God.
In early 2009 God gave me a dream telling me that His judgement was coming soon on the nations and that I should warn people about this. I am not a super spiritual person who has loads of dreams and visions etc but this was very clear, concise and unlike anything I had ever experienced before or since for that matter.
As I brushed up on my research I found that there is so much information and misinformation out there, that this wasn't going to be an easy task. So I asked the Lord to help me sift through the myriad of subject matter as best as I could to find truth in the light of Scripture. Obviously your view of prophecy depends on your hermeneutics (your personal interpretation of scripture). My personal view is of a literal interpretation, if something is allegorical or symbolic you can be sure to find an explanation or meaning not to far away. Sometimes you need to look to the original Hebrew or Greek text to clarify a word or verse, often finding a better or more accurate conclusion.
You don't need to be a theologian to understand the Bible but you do have to have an open mind and be willing to listen to what God is saying through His word. With so much anti God propaganda in the world such as evolution etc it's not easy, but if you really want to find truth ask God and you will find it.
In early 2009 God gave me a dream telling me that His judgement was coming soon on the nations and that I should warn people about this. I am not a super spiritual person who has loads of dreams and visions etc but this was very clear, concise and unlike anything I had ever experienced before or since for that matter.
As I brushed up on my research I found that there is so much information and misinformation out there, that this wasn't going to be an easy task. So I asked the Lord to help me sift through the myriad of subject matter as best as I could to find truth in the light of Scripture. Obviously your view of prophecy depends on your hermeneutics (your personal interpretation of scripture). My personal view is of a literal interpretation, if something is allegorical or symbolic you can be sure to find an explanation or meaning not to far away. Sometimes you need to look to the original Hebrew or Greek text to clarify a word or verse, often finding a better or more accurate conclusion.
You don't need to be a theologian to understand the Bible but you do have to have an open mind and be willing to listen to what God is saying through His word. With so much anti God propaganda in the world such as evolution etc it's not easy, but if you really want to find truth ask God and you will find it.
My Prophetic Dream
In my dream I was walking along beside a seashore watching the tide peacefully wash in and out, when suddenly the tide withdrew away out to sea and I immediately new that this was the sign that a tsunami was imminent. My immediate thoughts turned to those on the beach and I shouted to whoever was with me (I don't know who they were), "we need to warn the people to get up on high ground or they will be swept away by the waves." Suddenly a voice shouted "ring the Church bell, ring the church bell!"
I then found myself running on the beach frantically gesturing to people to move quickly up to the safety of the Church, but many were reluctant to move, as if they didn't believe anything was coming. Another voice shouted "get the children" so we ran to were the children were playing and told them to come quickly.
The next thing I knew, I was running towards the Church door and as I slammed the door behind me I woke up. I woke up suddenly and without any sleepiness, I was bright and wide awake. I knew instantly that this was from the Lord and the message was clear.
I then found myself running on the beach frantically gesturing to people to move quickly up to the safety of the Church, but many were reluctant to move, as if they didn't believe anything was coming. Another voice shouted "get the children" so we ran to were the children were playing and told them to come quickly.
The next thing I knew, I was running towards the Church door and as I slammed the door behind me I woke up. I woke up suddenly and without any sleepiness, I was bright and wide awake. I knew instantly that this was from the Lord and the message was clear.
The time is approaching when God will judge the Nations. In reality we no longer live in individual countries, globalisation has been steadily progressing for many years and is now almost complete (New World Order/The Great Reset). The stage is just about set to usher in the final showdown of the ages. God is no longer relevant to many, the Bible is seen in some circles of society as a fairy story (thanks mostly to the false theory of evolution) and at worst, people who believe it are considered small minded or bigots.
So what happens next? I'll summarise it in my own words but you will find the Biblical references elsewhere on this website. The ultimate goal of Satan is to be exalted above God and to be worshipped. The Bible explains in the prophecies of the Old and New Testament that he will do this through political, pharmaceutical and military power, striving for world domination. He will initially be a man of peace but when his goals are achieved he will reveal his true colours, he will initiate a system where nobody great or small can buy or sell without his mark and he will behead those that oppose him. The final insult will come however when he sets himself up in the temple of God in Jerusalem and carries out an abomination that causes desolation.
From this point onwards God's wrath pours out upon the earth in what is known as the Great Tribulation or the time of Jacob's trouble, this will last seven years. This is not good news I'm afraid. The Bible says that this will be a time of hardship such as this world has ever seen or will see again. The end of these seven years culminates in the battle of Armageddon which is the Valley of Megiddo in Northern Israel, approximately 25 miles southwest of the Golan Heights. This is where Satan and his armies are finally defeated by Jesus Christ when He returns. Satan will then be bound in chains and thrown into the bottomless pit for a thousand years.
So what happens next? I'll summarise it in my own words but you will find the Biblical references elsewhere on this website. The ultimate goal of Satan is to be exalted above God and to be worshipped. The Bible explains in the prophecies of the Old and New Testament that he will do this through political, pharmaceutical and military power, striving for world domination. He will initially be a man of peace but when his goals are achieved he will reveal his true colours, he will initiate a system where nobody great or small can buy or sell without his mark and he will behead those that oppose him. The final insult will come however when he sets himself up in the temple of God in Jerusalem and carries out an abomination that causes desolation.
From this point onwards God's wrath pours out upon the earth in what is known as the Great Tribulation or the time of Jacob's trouble, this will last seven years. This is not good news I'm afraid. The Bible says that this will be a time of hardship such as this world has ever seen or will see again. The end of these seven years culminates in the battle of Armageddon which is the Valley of Megiddo in Northern Israel, approximately 25 miles southwest of the Golan Heights. This is where Satan and his armies are finally defeated by Jesus Christ when He returns. Satan will then be bound in chains and thrown into the bottomless pit for a thousand years.
Now for the good news!
God provided a way for people to escape this wrath to come. He sent Jesus His Son to die on a cross as a sacrifice that purifies everyone who repents of their sinfulness and accepts Him as Lord of their lives. Only those who are pure from sin can enter into God's presence, as He is a Holy God. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
If someone hands you a gift, it's not yours until you take it! If you haven't already accepted God's gift reach out and grab it with both hands, no-one will ever offer you a better one, that's for sure!
What I Believe
I believe in God the Father, in His risen Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit who is now present upon the earth.
I believe in God's plan for salvation, healing and new life that only Jesus can bring. I believe that the Bible is God's inspired word and our guide for life. |