As the alleged COVID-19 pandemic progressed from March 2020 I felt that there had to be more to all of the nonsensical rules and restrictions that society was being coerced and forced into observing. The washing of hands, social distancing and the wearing of masks all allegedly backed by science.
Washing of hands
Washing hands and basic hygiene makes absolute sense to reduce the spread of infection and should be part of our daily routine.
However, the powers that be seemed to assume that nobody was intelligent enough to wash their hands correctly and we were told like five year olds how to do it properly! Don't you find it strange that the entire world was told to wash their hands in a specific way for a set amount of time? And to make sure your timing was right you need to sing happy birthday twice! - Weird or what? (Maybe singing happy birthday to the new world order!) |
Social Distancing
This new phrase should be better know as social conditioning! The messaging was accompanied by fear and the goal posts kept changing causing confusion, first the World Health Organisation said 6 feet for social distancing and then it was changed to 3 feet! According to the psychology of brainwashing the deliberate use of “confusion” disrupts people's stable mental framework and makes them more susceptible to mind control. This has been used exensively in all areas regarding COVID-19 since March 2020.
Documented scientific data regarding coughs and sneezes showed that a cough could travel up to 12 feet and a sneeze up to 27 feet, so therefore this rule is illogical. In hindsight this rule is disproportionate to the effects of the the virus on the majority of the population. It has had effects devastating beyond comprehension. From grieving families not being able to comfort their loved ones, businesses being devastated and for Christians many churches closed and the body of Christ separated making communication difficult. Our instruction in Hebrews 10 v25 is clear "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (And the day IS approaching rapidly!) |
MasksAt the beginning of the outbreak the powers that be said they were not needed then six months later they said masks were essential! At first thought it may seem logical that masks would help, if you cough or sneeze water droplets or bacteria would be stopped by the mask. However if you look at the science, virus particles are so small they would shoot straight through a cloth or surgical mask like a fly through chicken wire, granted some particles may well be restricted but not enough to make any significant difference.
There is evidence to suggest that mask wearing is more of a health threat than a help. The warm humid environment is a breeding ground for bacteria, the body gets a reduced oxygen supply, carbon dioxide and impurities are being breathed back in, causing headaches and hypoxia. It can also be physically uncomfortable and psychologically stressful for the wearer and especially for those with mental health difficulties, those who are deaf and hard of hearing and depend on lipreading to communicate. The psychological and physical effects of mask wearing on children is unknown and of grave concern. |
Here is a link to an article by Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about facemasks and their effects on our brains: [Link]
You may well have difficulty trying to find further information on this on Google, from I started my research on this most of the search results have been removed! However, a study in September by the CDC in America found that the overwhelming majority of people getting coronavirus wore masks (link to article) In my opinion after analysing the data for and against mask use I conclude that the mask rule is illogical.
I believe masks are part of the ritual, submission and conditioning of the people. As pointed out by Pastor JD Farag "There is only one letter difference between MASK and MARK." In the UK and many other countries you cannot enter a shop to buy anything without a mask, as people get used to this going forward, it will not seem like a big deal to scan your digital ID (Vaccine mark) to get into shops in the future. The traffic light system can already be seen in some shops such as Lidl.
I believe masks are part of the ritual, submission and conditioning of the people. As pointed out by Pastor JD Farag "There is only one letter difference between MASK and MARK." In the UK and many other countries you cannot enter a shop to buy anything without a mask, as people get used to this going forward, it will not seem like a big deal to scan your digital ID (Vaccine mark) to get into shops in the future. The traffic light system can already be seen in some shops such as Lidl.
The Logical Conclusion
When we step back and look at the facts and the data, the logical conclusion that we have, is that there has to be another agenda at work here.
We know that satan has his power brokers in key positions throughout the world, the rich and the elite who are guided by the occult own most of the world media and fund major organisations like the World Health organisation and the World Economic Forum etc. They have a one world government globalist agenda and they influence, manipulate and coerce governments and leaders into doing their bidding for financial gain, power or both. To bring in their so called New World Order (or "The Great Reset" they are now calling it and linking it to climate change), they have to collapse the old system. Enter COVID-19 the perfect invisible enemy, a trojan horse for the malevolent forces behind this agenda to achieve their goals disguised as a post pandemedic recovery or the paradoxical new normal. |
In Revelation Chapter 18 verse 23 when speaking of coming judgement on the beast system it says;
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
The word "sorceries" used here in the Greek is φαρμακεία (pharmakeia) where we derive our word for Pharmacy or use of drugs for medicine (Strong's Concordance Ref 5331). This gives us a very accurate indication of the source the deception when we consider the current world situation, the narrative being that the Health Services are our heroes and we won't be able to get back to normal until we have the vaccine for COVID-19!
Side note:
The NHS in the UK was created to provide health care for all UK citizens based on their need for medical care rather than their ability to pay for it. It was established in 1948 as one of the major social reforms following the Second World War and is funded by our taxes. Because of COVID-19 we are told that WE must protect the NHS, it is no longer protecting US! We have no idea of the number of patients with other critical illnesses such as cancer and heart diseease that have died while the hospital wards remain empty for the COVID-19 patients that never came! Currently the waiting lists are spiraling but the government would rather spend 100 Billion (2 thirds of the NHS budget) on testing which has proven to be unreliable with false positive results and it is even unrecommended by its inventor. (Link to PDF)
Side note:
The NHS in the UK was created to provide health care for all UK citizens based on their need for medical care rather than their ability to pay for it. It was established in 1948 as one of the major social reforms following the Second World War and is funded by our taxes. Because of COVID-19 we are told that WE must protect the NHS, it is no longer protecting US! We have no idea of the number of patients with other critical illnesses such as cancer and heart diseease that have died while the hospital wards remain empty for the COVID-19 patients that never came! Currently the waiting lists are spiraling but the government would rather spend 100 Billion (2 thirds of the NHS budget) on testing which has proven to be unreliable with false positive results and it is even unrecommended by its inventor. (Link to PDF)
The Occult & Rituals
Rituals are a very important part of the occult, they symbolise worship and dedication and are often elaborate and complex.
I believe what we are currently witnessing is a huge occult initiation ritual meticulously planned and systematically implemented to usher in the harlot/beast system of Revelation and the Antichrist or man of sin. The powers that be have planned the biggest mobilization operation (including the military) since the second world war to administer the vaccine and even intend to use some Churches for centres of vaccination. (You can find information on the vaccine Here) It should be noted that the vaccines to be introduced by the UK government are called "Ambush" and "Triumph." They are unlicensed and will be supplied by Oxford Astra Zeneca (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). |
We should not be willing participants of this blasphemy. Many people including many in the Church have been deceived by the darkness, fear and propaganda that has been broadcast on a daily basis for now for months. Instead we must expose the lies, stand up and fight for truth!
We must cry to God "Hossanna" which in the original greek means "Rescue." Those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ will be saved, but many do not see the danger that is coming like a freight train just ahead, so we must get the word out URGENTLY while there is still time!
We must cry to God "Hossanna" which in the original greek means "Rescue." Those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ will be saved, but many do not see the danger that is coming like a freight train just ahead, so we must get the word out URGENTLY while there is still time!
Exposing the enemy
As Christians I believe it is our responsibility to expose the plans of the enemy and stand for truth. Scriptures clearly support this:
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
Ephesians 5:11
Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?
Psalm 94:16
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
John 7:24
WARNING - The sin of being silent!
If I say to the wicked, “You shall surely die,” and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.
Ezekiel 3:18-19
People are unwittingly being manipulated and groomed into ritualistic behavior, void of logic and ignoring sound scientific data in favour of propaganda that is disseminated down from the powers that be, to the participating world leaders and world governments. However, you can only keep a lie going for so long, sooner or later the truth will come out, judgement will be swift and they will not escape!
My sources and references for this article
Please note I may not necessarily agree with all of the information shared below but I have included it for those who would like further information and I would encourage you to be a Berean and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and discernment in all things.
Britannica Mask Face Covering -
Britannica Functions and Forms of Masks -
Satanic Cult Awareness PDF File -
Medical News Today Effects of Isolation -
Occult Ritual Transformation
(Excerpts from an article by Steve Barwick)
Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.
Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.
But there’s more. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:
Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.
But there’s more. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:
A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.
In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation, a human alchemy, if you will from one role to another. From one manner of being, to another. In this case, from individual sovereign under God to collective subject under the Children of the Devil. You see, the masking ritual is specifically designed to reverse the order of hierarchy set in place by God. In the hierarchy of your heavenly Father, you are a sovereign representative of His Word on this Earth. And your job is to speak His Word, on His Sovereign behalf to others.
In Summary
So, there you have it. The world today is undergoing a 4-Stage occult ritual initiation and transformation ceremony largely conducted through symbology, as all occult rituals are designed to bring everyone, willingly and subserviently, into the new global order.
You can find the full article at the link below: