It's been quite a while since my last prophecy update, there are a number of reasons for this;
I believe we are witnessing a great deception and psychological operation by the enemy and his followers. For the non Christian this is literally a matter of life and death and not just physical death eternal death. Sadly the mainstream church for the most part is asleep at the wheel and has failed in its duty to sound the alarm and may well assist the emeny in their plans of world domination as clearly prophesied in Revelation 13 where no one can buy or sell without the mark (The Greek word used for "mark" in the Revelation 13:17 text is "χάραγμα" which according to Strong's concordance means "a scratch or etching." To me this could indicate a vaccine or ID tattoo)! I'm sure you have thought that many things about this whole COVID-19 situation don't quite add up! But due to an unrelenting media campaign most people have blindly accepted most of what they are being told as truth. However, take a step back for a moment. Have a think about how many alternative ponts of view you have heard on the main stream media? Normally there are arguments popping up from both sides on a given subject and we are able to make a rational judgement and make our own minds up - not so much when it comes to COVID 19. Take masks for instance. We were told at the start of the outbreak that only a sealed N95 mask could protect you from the virus and that surgical masks or cloth masks did not work because the virus was so small it could get through them. With bit of research you can find out that this information was indeed accurate and that the partical size of a virus compared to the gaps in a cloth mask would be like a fly to chicken wire! Further more, on the side of a box of surgical masks it clearly states that this mask does not protect you from coronavirus. Yet we are now supposed to believe that masks will protect us and they are a good thing, yet they cannot provide any credible supporting data. Again for the most part this is just accepted without argument. Another tick on their list as they bring society under their control. Control through fear is a very effective psychological weapon and successfully used by Hitler in the second world war. Cleverly the enemy they have presented us with is invisible, so they are able to use this to propagate fear. When the outbreak began we were told that 80% of the population would be infected and upto 500,000 could die. But now with the benefit of having data over the past number of weeks we can see that these figures are highly inaccurate, based on computer models by Neil Ferguson from the Imperial College London and not on real data. Mr Ferguson has a history of getting figures wrong, namely bird flu and mad cow disease. So why he was trusted is beyond me and it should also be noted that one of the main funders of his research is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who are the main proponents of the proposed coming vaccine. The enemy cannot competely take over until the church (those who are born again believers) are removed in the first rapture. After this the Harlot New World Order system will rule for a short time. The two wittnesses of Revelation will reveal themselves at this time and the 144000 will be sealed. There will be a huge revival as well as persecution and many will be martyred. The third temple will be built in Jerusalem, the Beast will destroy the Harlot NWO system then set up his false millenial kingdom and ultimately claim to be God in the newly built temple in Jerusalem. When this happens judgement will fall, at the end of this judgement Christ will return and satan and his armies will be defeated and he will be bound in chains for a thousand years. Jesus will then set up His millenial kingdom, bringing restoration and peace to the earth. Those who put their faith in Him, will rule with Him as kings on earth and serve as priests in the heavenly temple. After the thousand years reign satan will be cast into the lake of fire and God will make all things new :-) This is our blessed hope - It is always darkest before the dawn and all that we have had to suffer and endure will soon be gone forever. Tonight 18th September 2020 the Jews in Jerusalem will blow the shofar for Rosh Hashanah (the feast of trumpets) on the temple mount in Jerusalem for the first time since the temple was destroyed in 70 AD! Prominent Rabbis have said that this will be the last Rosh Hashanah without the Messiah and he may well reveal himself over this weekend. Whatever happens, we can see the signs all around us and we know our redemption is drawing near - Maranatha! The information I have shared has been verified as best as I can from numerous and reputable sources, unfortunately I do not have the time to list them all but if anyone would like more information on anything shared please get in touch and I will do my best to share what I know. Please be a good Berean (Acts 17:10&11 "they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so"), not just with the scriptures but with everything you are being fed from the media and indeed from Government sources as I can assure you there are agendas above even their pay scale!
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Greg Haire Archives
November 2020