Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri was one of the most venerated and respected ultra-orthodox rabbis in Israel and lived to be 108 years old. Before Kaduri died, he wrote a cryptic note on which he named the Messiah with whom he claimed to have met in a mystical encounter. On the rabbi's instructions, the note was not released until a year after his death.
When the sealed note was opened a year later, it was posted on Kaduri's website. Kaduri had revealed the Messiah's name as Yehoshua, or the formal Hebrew pronunciation of Yeshua or Jesus. This was not well received in Orthodox circles and many said he doting in his old age! However, Kaduri made another prophecy regarding the the Messiah which stated that the Messiah would not come until after the death of Ariel Sharon. Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke in 2006 and remained in a coma for 8 years until his death in Jan 2014. Although this is an extra Biblical prophecy it is certainly a fascinating one when you take into account the four blood moons and the many other signs happening this year. Only time will tell if this was a genuine prophecy of the true Messiah or a deception to pave the way for his nemesis? Comments are closed.
Greg Haire Archives
November 2020