We are currently experiencing ever increasing birth pains as described in Matthew 24, with earthquakes and natural disasters happening in diverse places, if we then add the military tensions in the Middle East, South China Sea, Ukraine and reports now coming in from the coast of Venezuela, we have wars and rumours of wars. In Luke 21:28 we are told when we see these things begin to happen, we should look up, for our redemption draweth near. The sheer volume of spiritual warfare that the body of Christ is suffering at present is palpable. We need to support each other whatever way we can and be confident that the Lord will equip us with whatever is needed for these days. Always remember, in the midst of the adversity that we are facing on a daily basis, we have our blessed hope that soon Jesus will return as our bridegroom and will put an end to the suffering! Russia have delivered the S300 missile system and have closed the air space over Syria. Russia effectively now controls Syria and is moving in more troops, equipment and armour. There are also reports of Russian fighter aircraft massing in Iranian air bases. American intelligence is watching this very closely and is keeping Israel informed as well as sending their latest F35 fighter aircraft to the region that can out manoeuver the Russian systems. Sooner or later there will be a confrontation, but there is a difference of opinion in prophecy circles as to which prophecy this war will fulfil. Some say Psalm 83 while others point to Ezekiel 38-39, will we find out or will be removed beforehand? It's all in His hands. The US military is planning a serious showdown with China The US military is planning a serious showdown with China that would be a significant show of force on tense tides and involve American warships and aircraft. Link to Business insider Iranian General vows to DESTROY Israel in FURIOUS attackA TOP Iranian General has vowed to destroy Israel, warning “there will soon be no way to escape but the sea”, raising fears of a major outbreak of conflict in the volatile Middle East. Link to Express News Article Netanyahu Says Israel Preparing for War With Gaza Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a stark warning to the Palestinian Authority and to the international community during Sunday's cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. The gist of his remarks was that Israel will not hesitate to launch a full-scale military operation against the Gaza Strip if the situation along the coastal enclave's border continues to deteriorate. Link to News Article In Israel Today Special update with Amir from Jerusalem - Ezekiel 38-39 insight Latest Update from Israeli News Live - A different perspectiveHere are some presentations from Understanding The Times Conference 2018 - Olive Tree MinistriesComments are closed.
Greg Haire Archives
November 2020