The Wuhan coronavirus, (officially termed 2019-nCoV) currently rampant in China, is very serious for the region. Mostly due to China's slow reaction, the level of infection is much greater than we are being told and we won't know the full extent for a couple of weeks. This is because of the incubation period of the virus and the fact that it took them around two weeks to close the market down where they say it broke out. (Kinda coincidence that China's biological warfare facility just happens to be in Wuhan - Just sayin!) While it is now spreading worldwide most countries are now on high alert and any cases will be dealt quickly. There is currently no cure and it would take at least six months to develop a vacine. Those most at risk are those who's immune system is already weak, the very young and the elderly. The virus is spread through tiny droplets that can be airborne in coughs or sneezes and can also enter the body through the eyes. It can stay alive on surfaces for 5 days or longer depending on the conditions. It attacks the lungs and replicates quickly, if the body cannot produce enough antibodies to fight it then it overpowers the immune system usually resulting in pneumonia which can be fatal. What people can do to protect themselves in an at risk country:
No fear for the believer "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." While we have no fear, it does no harm to be prepared and take what precations we can. For a strong immune system I would advise a low sugar, low carbohydrate diet with natural probiotics such as kefir. I would also recommend vitamin supplements including Vitamins C and D3 especially in the winter months when there is less natural sunlight. The world stage is set! We currently have wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes, volcanoes, weather extremes, famines and now pestilence! We look in anticipation of the long awaited peace deal of the century to be announced tomorrow (Tuesday 28th January 2020) by President Trump. The Israeli leaders are already there and are saying this will be a historic day! Will they say peace and safety? For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. I shall report on the peace process announcement when I get the chance. Other reports coming in this over the past few hours relate to attacks on American forces in Iraq (The America Embassy struck by rockets) and Afghanistan (helicopter crash - may have been shot down).
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Greg Haire Archives
November 2020